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Spotty Solutions: 3 Potential Causes Behind Blemished Teeth

April 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drhamel @ 5:13 pm
Closeup of someone pointing to white spots on their teeth with a pen

One of the first things people notice about you is your smile and if yours is riddled with blemishes, it can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. While some stains are the result of consuming dark foods and beverages and can be whitened relatively easily, others are less simple.

For example, if you have white spots on your teeth that you can’t seem to brush off, you could benefit from professional help. Keep reading to learn 3 potential causes behind these stubborn marks and how your dentist can address them!

Cause #1: Dental Fluorosis

Did you know that fluoride is used to rebuild enamel? This naturally occurring element can remineralize your enamel so that’s stronger and less vulnerable to acid damage. Although fluoride can be used to improve oral health, if you’re overly exposed then it can have the opposite effect. It’s not uncommon for children between the ages of 1 and 8 to consume too much of it which impacts their still-developing grins. If you were affected this way, you could have permanent white spots or deep grooves on your adult teeth.

Your dentist can even out the discoloration by removing a thin layer of enamel during a process known as microabrasion. If that’s not an option, you might consider a cosmetic treatment like veneers or dental bonding which can cover the offending blots so they can’t be seen.

Cause #2: Your Diet

Calcium is the foundation of your teeth and if you don’t get enough of it, you might end up with spots on them. This is because acids from harmful bacteria and the foods you eat dissolve your enamel and remove the important mineral in a process called decalcification. Fortunately, it’s not overly difficult to increase the levels of this mineral in your system. You can get it by eating foods naturally rich with this ingredient like cheese, yogurt, and certain leafy greens like spinach and kale.  

Your dentist can potentially remineralize your enamel with topical fluoride treatments. Otherwise, they might recommend cosmetic services to hide aesthetic flaws.

Cause #3: Traditional Orthodontics

If you had braces for years, it’s possible that the metal brackets caused the white spots that you’ve noticed. The glue that’s used to bond them to your teeth can strip away essential minerals and leave blemishes behind. Also, it could be that parts of your pearly whites that weren’t covered were stained by dark foods and beverages while the hidden surfaces were not. Thankfully, teeth whitening may be able to even out the different hues so that you can enjoy a more unified grin.

Regardless of what caused the lighter patches on your teeth, your dentist is sure to have solutions to perfect your smile!

About the Practice

At Biologic Dentistry, people of all ages benefit from two highly qualified dentists who offer a full range of services under one roof, including cosmetic dentistry. They share decades of combined experience which means there’s no case too simple or complex for them to handle. Their state-of-the-art facility combines advanced dental technology with a holistic approach to improve patient’s lives by enhancing their smiles. If you’re frustrated by stubborn white spots on your teeth, you’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (770) 426-9994.

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